A high-rise condominium in downtown Chicago has a garden of a different variety. A 4,000+ square foot section of a rooftop holds a unique retreat. It includes plants, decking, furniture, and a number of strikingly beautiful Mesh panels along pathways and the rooftop perimeter. The Wire Mesh panels are a combination of patterns selected from the McNICHOLS® Designer Mesh product line.
Designers assembled the garden panels artistically with two goals. The first goal - to help conceal the roof's unsightly mechanical equipment and exhaust vents. Additionally, they wanted to create a contemporary sculpture with an "unexpected twist".
The Stainless Steel Designer Mesh panels were fabricated in varying heights, widths, and textures. Carefully and cleverly designed to replicate the skyline the roof overlooks, which was Chicago’s urban scene.
McNICHOLS® Designer Mesh patterns, CHATEAU™ 3105, CHATEAU™ 3110, and AURA™ 8155, provided sufficient openings to circulate exhaust. Yet they were solid enough to obscure the equipment. The material diffused the desirable amount of air and light and provided security, sustainability, and high-end aesthetics.
The Stainless Steel Designer Mesh has the added value of being lightweight, which enables fabrication off-site. But it is also sturdy enough to withstand Chicago’s wind and climate extremes.
To complement the garden panels, they were also used as infill panels for 260 feet of guard rail along the roof’s perimeter. Seventy Mesh panels were welded into Stainless Steel channel frames, with varying heights and widths of 42 to 62 inches and 24 to 72 inches, respectively, totaling 1,250 square feet.
They utilized the Mesh panels to complement the garden panels. By incorporating them as infill panels for 260 feet of guard rail along the roof's perimeter.
They welded seventy Mesh panels into Stainless Steel channel frames. With heights and widths ranging from 42 to 62 inches and 24 to 72 inches, respectively. The total area covered was 1,250 square feet.
We invite you to learn more about McNICHOLS® Designer Mesh. We are ready and Inspired to Serve® you at 855.318.8791, [email protected], or via Live Chat on mcnichols.com.