McNICHOLS® Fiberglass Grating
Pultruded, Wide T-Bar, MS-WT-1210 - DURAGRID®, ADA, Fiberglass, SPF Polyester Resin, Gray, 1.000" Height x 1.625" Top Flange Width Wide T-Bar, Medium Grit Surface, 12% Open AreaMcNICHOLS® Fiberglass Grating, Pultruded, Wide T-Bar, MS-WT-1210 - DURAGRID®, ADA Compliant, Fiberglass, SPF Polyester Resin, Gray, 1.000" Height x 1.625" Top Flange Width Wide T-Bar Bearing Bars, Spaced 1.850" on Center with 0.225" Clear Space Between Bearing Bar Top Flanges, Medium Grit Surface, (ADA Compliant Product When Direction of Bearing Bars (Span) Installed Perpendicular to Dominant Direction of Travel), Bearing Bars Run Parallel to Length of Panel, Gray Cross-Rods Spaced 6" on Center, 12% Open Area
ITEM F112106S42 - 48-1/8" x 144" - In-Stock!